North Water

About North Water


North Water --- Experience the uncompromising purity of the Canadian Rocky Mountains in a sip. Our water is naturally filtered because we let Mother Nature do all the work. North Water is filtered slowly for thousands of years as it passes through the many layers of glacial stones and ice, giving it an exceptional purity that not only tastes refreshing but also raises the alkaline content of water to a pH level of 8.2. The perfectly balanced water coupled with naturally infused electrolytes gives it a crisp, refreshing taste. Great tasting water does not require enhancements. With no additives, flavorings or harsh chemicals we bring you water in its purest form because you deserve the best!
A better, smarter and purer choice for you and the environment. Every day, millions of plastic bottles are thrown away into our landfills and our oceans; killing our marine life. To help slow down plastic waste, North Water is delivered to you in an infinitely recyclable aluminum bottles that are perfect for your everyday use.

Features you’ll love --- guilt free hydration! Each time you choose North Water, you eliminate a plastic bottle from our landfill or from floating in our beautiful ocean. Each North Water 10 or 18 pack comes with individually filled bottles of delicious Canadian Rocky Mountain spring water sourced from our secluded spring located in Alberta, Canada.
North Water bottles are made using aluminum and free of plastics and BPA. North Water bottles are leak-proof so you can safely carry them in your backpack. North Water is perfect for staying hydrated whether at home, in nature, at the office, at a festival or on the go.

North Water is your opportunity to Rethink your Refresh!